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Here you will find all information about buying and selling on the European trading platform merXu

Loading offers on merXu

Loading offers on merXu

How to name the file

You will use the file to build your product catalogue - to add offers, but also to update offers. We therefore encourage you to name the file according to the pattern:


example: MerXu_12042020. We have assumed that the "Date" field indicates the date the file was generated/imported.

Consistent naming will allow you to track changes and easily manage your files in the future.

Where to load the file

You can upload offers created using the file to your merXu account. Go to your account, further into the product catalogue, data import and click on "Upload offers". You have several methods to choose from - but select "Upload merXu Catalogue".

You can also follow the link: 

What the form looks like

In addition to uploading the file, the form requires you to indicate the language in which the file is filled in. This language will be the reference for the translation of the offers into our other languages.

Additionally, you can set parameters for the entire file such as category, VAT rate, currency, special price, price ranges, from where and to where the dispatch will take place.

This is also where you load the images if the sheet contains image file names rather than links (url).