
Help Center
Welcome to merXu help center
Here you will find all information about buying and selling on the European trading platform merXu

Manual listing offers

Uploading offers manually

This model is quick and easy. It will work well if you want to enter just a few listings on merXu.

Just go to the form via My merXuProduct CatalogueCreate offer

A03811e1 B1f1 4871 9604 88001ba48ac7

Then fill out a simple form (fields marked with an *asterisk are mandatory)

  • Product name (mandatory field) — the name visible to buyers, should uniquely identify the product. You can use up to 255 characters.

You can also add custom translation by using the button ‘Add translation’;

B6e108e5 6a48 46e2 88f7 88eb730e6f54

  • Category(mandatory field) — category path which you can choose by expanding the list;

Fd4e2d47 4cf6 4629 Abd1 2c2dde7030e4

  • Product information — the better you describe your product, the more chance you have of selling it. You can also add manufacturer name, manufacturer product code and EAN there;

5f243325 2980 4ebc 9bd6 08ba76c71bdb

  • Supplier Product Id (mandatory field) — a code assigned by you. It must be unique and used for 1 product only. It can consist of letters and/or numbers;

7b6894b4 819c 4199 9ca8 D5ef1d32d385

  • Product parameters — define additional product parameters if you think they are needed to be indicated in the offer. Also, enter the value of the parameter, e.g. units of measurement;

0bd6db9b 491a 46e2 B147 B563ec7efed7

  • Product availability — set offer as active (visible on your listing) and available in stock;

1b65df20 0924 48da 8fde Aa51e5a934de

  • Pricing
  • Unit— you can choose: m3, kg, l, m, pcs, m2;
  • Currency— you can choose currencies PLN, CZK, EUR, RON, HUF;
  • Net price— enter the net price of your product;
  • VAT rate— select the appropriate rate;

F4a03bc3 6aac 45eb 9284 95abeca5b381

  • Price levels — add price levels to show that the price is more attractive when buying multiple pieces;

C4e57088 468f 43c3 Ae9c B2c2984e0951

  • Offer quantity — sell your products in multiply;

0fe0e2d5 A795 4941 A8b3 Ccaaec4d4338

  • Shipment
    • Country of dispatch — select from the list the country from which you plan to ship. By default, the country where your company is registered is selected;
    • Dispatch time — you can also postpone this point into individual arrangements with the Buyer;
    • Destination countries — countries to which you plan to send your products. The list includes all countries where merXu operates. By selecting checkbox you can set all countries available;

D46a4d49 Ca0d 4adb 95b2 B53f6d5c0cb3

  • Media — you can add YouTube video (not a channel) and up to 10 photos, each with a maximum weight of 2 MB. Photos may not infringe copyright or industrial property, contain watermarks or contain reflections. Additional photos may show the product in use, close-ups of its important functions, packaging, accessories out of the box and transformations — composite, unfolded, open, closed, etc.

You can load photos one at a time or select an entire folder;

866e9883 82a5 43de A7ff 9ef917da4b9e

After filling the form you can upload your offer by selecting the ‘Create’ button at the bottom.

Remember that you can always edit your offer later.

Add similar offer

With this simple "Add similar" option, you can save time and effort while expanding your product catalog.

Ff908bef E161 4520 A05f 3279b5ffe815

  • Access Your merXu Account Panel — click on the "My merXu" button to access your merXu Account Panel. From there, navigate to the "Product catalogue" section;
  • Find the Offer and Click "Add similar” — in the "Product catalogue" section, locate the offer from which you want to create a similar product. Click on the offer to access its details. On the right side of the page there is "Add similar" button;
  • Fill in the "Supplier Product ID" Field — once you click "Add similar" you'll be redirected to a new offer form, pre-filled with information from the previous one. Now, all you need to do is fill in the "Supplier product Id" field. Remember, each "Supplier product ID" must be unique for every offer you create;
  • Click "Create"