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YDS power supply 12V 8A with wired plastic housing 96W plug 5.5*2.5 mm

YDS power supply 12V 8A with wired plastic housing 96W plug 5.5*2.5 mm

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Sursa alimentare YDS 12V 8A cu fir carcasa plastic
  • Material carcasa : plastic / Culoare : Negru
  • Lungime cablu iesire : 110 mm
  • Led indicator tensiune iesire
  • Dimensiune mufa 5.5x2.1 x 13 mm (Penseta, compatibil 5.5x2.1)
  • Tensiune AC de intrare: 100V-240 V; 50/60 Hz
  • Tensiune DC de iesire: 12 V / Riplu max. : 180 mV
  • Curent maxim DC de iesire : 8 A
  • Protectie la scurtcircuit, suprasarcina
  • Dimensiune : 115x49x30 mm
  • Greutate : 620 g (cutia ambalaj sursa cablu alimentare)
  Vezi si alte surse de alimentare.

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