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Video derivation box 4 RESIDENTIAL - ELECTRA outputs VCB.4DR02.ELW0R

Video derivation box 4 RESIDENTIAL - ELECTRA outputs VCB.4DR02.ELW0R

€17.72 +VAT
RON 88.16
1 pc.
€17.72 +VAT
RON 88.16
1 ×
RON 88.16 +VAT
(1 pc.)
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Doza derivatie video'4 iesiri'gama REZIDENTIAL. Protejeaza si asigura functionarea instalatiei in cazul unui defect (scurtcircuit) la un apartament de pe un etaj.

LED indicator de scurtcircuit.

LED indicator prezenta tensiune.

Model / producator: ELECTRA
Carcasa: ABS alb
Montaj: sina DIN
Grad de protectie prin carcasare (IP): IP31
Temperatura de functionare: 0° C ... + 45° C
Dimensiuni: 107 x 71 x 73 mm
Conexiuni: IN coloana (RJ45) OUT coloana (RJ45) OUT1 (RJ45) OUT2 (RJ45) OUT3 (RJ45) OUT4 (RJ45) Alimentare suplimentara 13.5Vcc

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