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Vibration detector - OPTEX VIBRO-WH

Vibration detector - OPTEX VIBRO-WH

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Detector de vibratii cu analiza digitala.

Sensibilitate reglabila, auto-invatare, numarator de impulsuri, inchidere secventiala.

Model / producator: OPTEX
Tip: Detector de vibratii
Raza de detectie: Zid de carmida:2.5m Otel:3m Lemn:3.5m Beton:1.5m Sticla:3.5m
Temperatura de operare: Intre -20°C si +50°C
Tensiune de alimentare: De la 9.5 la 18 VDC
Curent absorbit (nominal): 16.5mA (Max)
Tamper: Da
Altele: Numarator de impulsuri Sensibilitate reglabila LED-semnalizare stare Contact NC

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