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SolarEdge inverter SE9K-RW0TEBEN4
SolarEdge inverter SE9K-RW0TEBEN4
SolarEdge inverter SE9K-RW0TEBEN4
SolarEdge inverter SE9K-RW0TEBEN4

SolarEdge inverter SE9K-RW0TEBEN4

SE3K-10K Three Phase Home Inverter for Europe
  • Manufacturer: SolarEdge
  • Nominal AC Power: 9000 W
  • Euro Efficiency: 97.5 %
  • Maximum Efficiency: 98 %
  • Series: SE3K-10K Three Phase Home Inverter for Europe
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€1,254.70 +VAT
PLN 5,380.00
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€1,254.70 +VAT
PLN 5,380.00
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Falownik SolarEdge SE9K-RW0TEBEN4


System magazynowania: NA

Moc nominalna: 9000 VA

Topologia: trafolos

Liczba MPPT: 1 Stück

MPP napięcie min.: 750.0 Volt

MPP napięcie max.: 900.0 Volt

Połączenie DC: MC4

Typ sieci: 3-phasig

Wymiary: L: 540 mm B: 315 mm H: 191 mm

Waga: 18.9 kg

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