Solar panel cable 6 mm black 1500V Top Solar H1Z2Z2-K, roll 100m, 5% VAT included

Solar panel cable 6 mm black 1500V Top Solar H1Z2Z2-K, roll 100m, 5% VAT included

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Black solar cable Top Solar PV H1Z2Z2-K, 1x6mm 1.5KV EN50618, roll 100m Features of Solar cable H1Z2Z2-K Top Cable: 1.It is TUV certified.Guarantee for compliance with the highest quality standards, regardless of when the purchase or production is made. 2.CPR classification Approx.In case of fire, this cable does not propagate the flame, it goes out.It can also be used inside buildings. 3.Insulation LSHF Rubber.Due to the increased flexibility, time is saved in the installation process.Resistant to harsh environmental conditions (high temperatures, Frost, abrasions, ).Without Halogens, you can make routes through the interior of buildings. 4.Classified AD8 (water resistance). lifetime of over 30 years even in direct contact with water. 5.UV resistant for both colors, according to the solar norm EN 50618. 6.Ozone resistant according to the solar norm EN 50618. 7.Installation: Buried, in pipes or outdoors. 8.The cable is metered!

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