Photovoltaic system 15KW three-phase hybrid, Ongrid hybrid Huawei inverter SUN2000-15KTL-M2, JASOLAR panels JAM72S20-460 MR-BF (black frame) 460W 33 pcs, Smart meter Huawei, Wifi dongle, VAT %p5 /% included
Photovoltaic system 15KW three-phase hybrid, Ongrid hybrid Huawei inverter SUN2000-15KTL-M2, JASOLAR panels JAM72S20-460 MR-BF (black frame) 460W 33 pcs, Smart meter Huawei, Wifi dongle, VAT %p5 /% included
Photovoltaic system 15KW three-phase hybrid, Ongrid hybrid Huawei inverter SUN2000-15KTL-M2, JASOLAR panels JAM72S20-460 MR-BF (black frame) 460W 33 pcs, Smart meter Huawei, Wifi dongle, VAT %p5 /% included

Photovoltaic system 15KW three-phase hybrid, Ongrid hybrid Huawei inverter SUN2000-15KTL-M2, JASOLAR panels JAM72S20-460 MR-BF (black frame) 460W 33 pcs, Smart meter Huawei, Wifi dongle, VAT %p5 /% included

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Complete photovoltaic kit
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category name
Complete photovoltaic kit
Sistem fotovoltaic JASolar JAM72S20-460 MR-BF(black frame) 460W, 15 kW, 33 buc, Invertor hibrid ongird trifazat Huawei SUN2000-15KTL-M2, 15 kW, Smart meter Huawei DTSU666-H , Dongle wifi inclus Kitul trifazat de 15 kW este format din: - 33 panouri fotovoltaice JASolar JAM72S20-460 MR-BF(black frame) 460W Descarca fisa tehnica - Invertor hibrid trifazat Huawei SUN2000-15KTL-M2 Descarca fisa tehnica - Smart Meter trifazat Huawei 100A DTSU666-H Descarca fisa tehnica - Modul wifi Puteti estima productia lunara de energie accesand calculatorul: https: pvg_tools en tools.html

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