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Photovoltaic system 10KW three-phase, Sunpower panels 410W 25 pcs, Huawei inverter SUN2000-10KTL-M1 three-phase hybrid, Huawei Smart Meter, Wifi Dongle, VAT 5% included
Photovoltaic system 10KW three-phase, Sunpower panels 410W 25 pcs, Huawei inverter SUN2000-10KTL-M1 three-phase hybrid, Huawei Smart Meter, Wifi Dongle, VAT 5% included
Photovoltaic system 10KW three-phase, Sunpower panels 410W 25 pcs, Huawei inverter SUN2000-10KTL-M1 three-phase hybrid, Huawei Smart Meter, Wifi Dongle, VAT 5% included

Photovoltaic system 10KW three-phase, Sunpower panels 410W 25 pcs, Huawei inverter SUN2000-10KTL-M1 three-phase hybrid, Huawei Smart Meter, Wifi Dongle, VAT 5% included

Maxeon Sunpower
category name
Complete photovoltaic kit
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Maxeon Sunpower
category name
Complete photovoltaic kit
Sistem fotovoltaic 10KW trifazat - Panouri Sunpower Performance 3COM si invertor Huawei SUN2000-10KTL-M1 hibird Producatorul Sunpower este cunoscut pentru produsele sale de inalta calitate, iar panourile SPR-P3-410-COM-1500 nu fac exceptie. Acestea sunt construite pentru a rezista la conditii meteo extreme si pentru a functiona fara probleme timp de decenii. Invertorul Huawei este proiectat pentru a maximiza eficienta conversiei energiei solare in energie electrica utilizabila. Cu functii avansate de monitorizare a performantei, veti putea urmari productia de energie in timp real si sa identificati rapid orice problema. Prin combinarea acestor doua componente de inalta calitate, veti obtine un sistem fotovoltaic puternic, eficient si durabil, care va va ajuta sa economisiti bani pe termen lung si sa reduceti amprenta de carbon. Cu experienta noastra si echipa noastra de profesionisti, suntem aici pentru a va ajuta sa selectati si sa exploatati sistemul dumneavoastra fotovoltaic Huawei-Sunpower, aducandu-va beneficiile energiei solare curate si sustenabile. Pachetul contine: SPR-P3-410-COM-1500 - Panouri fotovoltaice Sunpower 410W, garantie 25 de ani - 25 buc - DESCARCA FISA TEHNICA SUN2000-10KTL-M1 HC- Invertor trifazat hibird Huawei 10KW - 1 buc - DESCARCA FISA TEHNICA DTSU666-H - Huawei Smart Meter 3 phase - 1 buc Wifi - Sistem de comunicare Dongle wifi - 1 buc 25 ani garantie panouri 10 ani garantie invertor

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