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NVR 4K Prime series, 64 channels, max. 12MP, VCA, Alarm, 8 x HDD, compression H.265 Ultra - UNV NVR508-64B

NVR 4K Prime series, 64 channels, max. 12MP, VCA, Alarm, 8 x HDD, compression H.265 Ultra - UNV NVR508-64B

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NVR508-64B este un NVR cu 64 canale IP din seria Prime de la Uniview. Principalele avantaje ale acestui dispozitiv sunt:
  • Compresia Ultra 265;
  • Iesiri independente HDMI 4K(3840 x 2160), VGA 108P;
  • Rezolutie inregistrare maxim 12 MP;
  • Posibilitatea de montare a pana la 8 HDD SATA (neincluse), avand o capacitate de pana la 12TB fiecare;
  • Tehnologie ANR pentru a continua inregistrarea atunci cand este intrerupta legatura cu reteaua;
  • Alarma 16 IN / 4 OUT;
  • Posibilitate de a face poze rapide (snapshot) la rezolutie de pana la D1 (4 ch.);
  • Functii VCA: Detectie intrus/depasire linie/intrare-iesire perimetru/schimbare peisaj, Numarare persoane, Monitorizare densitate multime, Auto Tracking, Cautare vehicule, etc. SIP, UMD si Detectie vehicul (8 ch.);
Specificatii tehnice NVR 64 canale - UNV NVR508-64:
  • Model / producator UNV (Uniview)
  • Inregistrare 12MP/8MP/6MP/5MP/4MP/3MP/1080p/960p/720p/D1/2CIF/CIF
  • Compresie Ultra 265, H.265, H.264
  • Latime banda Incoming - 320Mbs / Outgoing - 160Mbps
  • Redare 1-16 canale sicronizate
  • Capacitate decodare 2 x 12MP@30, 4 x 4K@30, 6 x 5MP@30, 8 x 4MP@30, 10 x 3MP@30, 16 x 1080P@30, 32 x 960P@25, 36 x 720P@30, 64 x D1
  • Afisare Live View 1/4/6/8/9/16/25/36/64
  • Afisare ecran Mod Coridor 3/4/5/7/9/10/12/16/32
  • Instantanee eveniment 4 canale, rezolutie pana la D1
  • Intrari / iesiri HDMI 4K (3840 × 2160), VGA, 3 x USB, 2 x LAN 10/100/1000Mb, 1 x audio OUT, 1 x audio IN, 1 x RS485
  • Alarma 16 ch. IN / 4 ch. OUT
  • Stocare 8 x HDD max 12TB fiecare (neincluse)
  • Camere IP compatibile UNV, ASYTECH, HIKVISION, Dahua, Arecont Vision, AXIS, SONY, PELCO, BOSH, VIVOTEK, ONVIF, etc.
  • Functii analiza video (VCA) Numarare persoane / Detectie intrus / Detectie depasire linie / Detectie Audio / Detectie defocusare / Detectie schimbare scena / Auto Tracking, etc.
  • Alimentare 100~240 V AC, Consum: max 32W (fara HDD)
  • Dimensiuni 442 × 426 × 89 mm
  • Greutate max. 4 Kg (fara HDD)
  • Temperatura operare -10C ~+55C
Descarcati fisa tehnicaCertificat conformitate

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