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Hikvision PTRZ Dome IP Camera, ColorVu, Alarm, IK10, Microphone, Speaker, 4MP, PoE, IR 40m, motorized lens 2.8-12 mm - DS-2CD2747G2H-LIPTRZS2U/SL(2.8-12mm)

Hikvision PTRZ Dome IP Camera, ColorVu, Alarm, IK10, Microphone, Speaker, 4MP, PoE, IR 40m, motorized lens 2.8-12 mm - DS-2CD2747G2H-LIPTRZS2U/SL(2.8-12mm)

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Camera de supraveghere IP Hikvision DS-2CD2747G2H-LIPTRZS2U/SL(2.8-12mm) versatila cu Pan, Tilt, Rotate si Zoom (PTRZ). Ofera imagini color 24/7 datorita tehnologiei ColorVu, iluminare inteligenta (IR, lumina alba, hybrid), claritate in conditii de iluminare dificila (WDR 130 dB) si clasificare avansata a oamenilor si vehiculelor cu deep learning. Include doua microfoane, alarma audio si stroboscopica, fiind rezistenta la apa, praf (IP66) si vandalism (IK10).

Specificatii tehnice camera IP Dome PTRZ Hikvision DS-2CD2747G2H-LIPTRZS2U/SL(2.8-12mm):
  • Producator: HIKVISION
  • Senzor: 1/1.8" Progressive Scan CMOS
  • Rezolutie: 4MP (2688 × 1520)
  • Compresie video: H.265/H.264/H.264+/H.265+, H.265/H.264/MJPEG, H.265/H.264

(*Al treilea flux este acceptat in anumite setari)

  • Iluminare minima: 0.0028 Lux (F1.2, AGC ON), 0 Lux cu lumina alba pornita
  • Distanta IR: 40m
  • Distanta lumina alba (imagini color si pe timp de noapte): 40m 
  • Lentila varifocala motorizata: 2.8 to 12 mm unghi vizualizare 114.6 - 41.8°
  • PTRZ: Pan: 0 - 350, inclinare: 0 - 85, rotatie: 0 - 350, zoom
  • Interfata comunicare: 1 RJ45 10 M/100 M
  • Audio: 2 x microfoane; difuzor
  • Inregistrare: Slot card microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC 512 GB (neinclus)
  • Functii speciale: ColorVu; WDR 120dB; 3D DNR; BLC; HLC; 4 zone private; ROI
  • Alarma: Da, audio si stroboscopica
  • Grad de protectie: IP67; IK10 (antivandal)
  • Alimentare: 12 VDC ± 25%, PoE
  • Consum: max. 18 W
  • Temperatura de operare: De la -30°C pana la 60°C
  • Tip carcasa: Dome, metal
  • Dimensiuni: 155 mm × 140.4 mm
  • Greutate: 820 g
[embed][/embed]Camera PTRZ 

Camera PTRZ are un design inovator de tip dome, care elimina necesitatea indepartarii capacului exterior al domului (cel care protejeaza obiectivul si mecanismul intern). Capacul este transparent, permitand ajustari ale pozitiei camerei (Pan, Tilt, Rotate, Zoom) fara a-l demonta. Acest lucru simplifica instalarea, reduce riscul de contaminare interna cu praf sau murdarie si economiseste timp in procesul de configurare.

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