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FoxESS AIO-H3-5.0-E hybrid inverter + HV2600 battery module

FoxESS AIO-H3-5.0-E hybrid inverter + HV2600 battery module

  • Manufacturer: Fox Ess
  • Nominal AC Power: 5000 W
  • Number of phases: Three
  • Number of MPPTs: 2
  • Series: AIO-H3
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Starting at
€4,208.61 +VAT
PLN 18,004.48
1 pc.
€4,208.61 +VAT
PLN 18,004.48
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PLN 18,004.48 +VAT
(1 pc.)
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Manufacturer Code
Kit: FoxESS hybrid inverter AIO-H3-5.0E + 4x Battery module HV2600 The AIO hybrid storage system is a revolutionary solution that surprises with useful features such as: simple plug and play installation, maximum efficiency thanks to high-voltage batteries, durable coating IP65, system monitoring from the application or website level.The system allows easy expansion and is characterized by high performance with capacity 10,4 kWH and charge/discharge rate up to 6 kW.HV2600 is a high-performance and scalable battery power module, providing maximum flexibility and a wide range of applications.The module allows serial installation to achieve maximum capacity 18,2 kWh.Installers can save valuable time with simple plug & amp; play installation.

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