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Emergency button Wireless AX PRO 868Mhz, one channel, applied mounting - HIKVISION DS-PDEB1-EG2-WE

Emergency button Wireless AX PRO 868Mhz, one channel, applied mounting - HIKVISION DS-PDEB1-EG2-WE

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Buton de urgenta fara fir de la Hikvision, montaj aplicat pe perete, birou, etc., un buton dispus central pentru o actionare usoara, comunicare radio cu centrala pe distante de pana la 1.2 Kilometri in camp deschis, durata medie de viata baterie de pana la 3 ani (baterii inclusa).

Model / producator: HIKVISION
Modulatie semnal: AES-128 encryption
Alimentare: 1 x CR2450 3VDC (inclusa) -durata medie viata 3 ani
Frecventa: 868Mhz
Temperatura de operare: -10 to +40 °C
Distanta comunicare cu centrala: 1.2 Km(spatiu deschis)
Dimensiuni: 63.8mm × 63.8mm × 17.9mm
Nr Canale: 1
Indicator optic: Albastru tip LED
Montaj: aplicat

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