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Alarm cable 4 integral copper shielded wires 100m - eRaya AL10422-100

Alarm cable 4 integral copper shielded wires 100m - eRaya AL10422-100

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Cablu de alarma 4 fire ecranate - AL10422-100 Cablu de alarma 4 fire, ecranate Cupru 100%4 fire x 0.22 - cupru 100%, diametru exterior 4.0 mm, ecranaj + fir impamantare. Include fir de sectionare camasa PVCConform CEI 20-11; CEI 20-29; CEI 20-20; CEI 20-22/III (IEC 60332); CEI 36762; EN 50575Ambalare la rola de 100 metri (RoHS)Made in ItalyCaracteristiciModel / producator: eRaya ItaliaNr. fire: 4 fire din cupru 100% multifilar 1 fir impamantareConductor: cupru multifilarGrosime fir: 0 22mm2Folie ecranaj: Aluminiu + folie polyerserDiametru exterior: 4 mmIzolatie externa: PVCGreutate / rola 100 m: cca. 2.3 kgAmbalare: Rola 100 mClasificare CPR: EcaCuloare: albFISA TEHNICA

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