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Addressable methane gas detector - UNIPOS FD71CNG

Addressable methane gas detector - UNIPOS FD71CNG

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Detector adresabil de gaz metan, compatibil cu seria 71xx de la UniPOS.

Montare verticala, izolator inclus, conexiune pe 2 fire, indicator optic semnalizare, buton TEST, nu necesita dispozitiv sau setari de adresare, programabil din centrala de alarma.

Nu necesita soclu.

Compatibil cu standardul EN50194-1.

Producator: UniPOS
Alimentare: 18 – 30 Vcc externa
Prag declansare: 5100 ppm in aer (10% Low Explosion Level)
Dimensiuni: 134 x 112 x 36 mm
Nivel sonor: 100 dB / 1m
Clasa protectie: IPX2D
Consum in mod de lucru: <350 uA (signal loop) 55 mA (power loop)
Consum in alarma: 2±1 mA (signal loop) 75 mA (power loop)
Senzor: semiconductor
Durata viata senzor: 5 ani
Conexiune: 2 fire ecranate
Clasa de protectie: IPX2D
Instalare: verticala
Altele: izolator inclus buton TEST 2 x LED - no GAS GAS

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