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A set of elements for making your own ground frame on 4 30mm panels vertically

A set of elements for making your own ground frame on 4 30mm panels vertically

€90.51 +VAT
PLN 386.83
1 pc.
€90.51 +VAT
PLN 386.83
1 ×
PLN 386.83 +VAT
(1 pc.)
Min. order value:
PLN 1,000.00
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A set of elements for self-construction of a mounting system for 4 panels vertically, placed on the ground.
It is a complete system and includes all components except concrete blocks and wall plugs.
instruction in the "Do pobrania" tab
Panel thickness 30 mm, panels with a maximum width of 115 cm, height 164 to 212cm.
You can use longer panels, e.g. 230 cm, but then we recommend moving the panels forward by 20 to 30cm so that they do not protrude too much from the back of the structure (60cm max).If they are put forward, the frame must be placed on concrete blocks and fixed to them.
The panels protruding forward will not allow for direct laying on the ground of the structure.
Recommended ballast 150 kg (6 blocks by 25kg)

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