Vacuum Electrica suction cup with Nemo Grabo battery - BIHUI SET (2x battery + 2x gaskets), for glass, ceramic wall and floor tiles, plasterboard and tiles, max. 170kg - BIHUI-LFEVC

Vacuum Electrica suction cup with Nemo Grabo battery - BIHUI SET (2x battery + 2x gaskets), for glass, ceramic wall and floor tiles, plasterboard and tiles, max. 170kg - BIHUI-LFEVC

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Ventuza electrica cu acumulator Grabo, 170kg - BIHUI-LFEVCPutere de aspirare extrem de mare (până la maxim 170 kg)Perfect pentru formate mari, piatră naturală, plăci groase de terasă etc.

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