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Uninterruptible Power Supply - UPS 2000VA / 1200W IEC TM-LI-2k0-IEC

Uninterruptible Power Supply - UPS 2000VA / 1200W IEC TM-LI-2k0-IEC

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Sursa de alimentare neintreruptibila 2000VA/1200W, 2 x acumulatori 12V/9Ah incorporati. Echipat cu 4 prize IEC ce permite conectarea directa a echipamentelor. 

  • Plaja larga de tensiuni de alimentare
  • Reglaj automat dupa tensiunea de alimentare (AVR)
  • Pornire la rece (DC)
  • Control CPU
  • Circuite electronice realizate prin tehnologie SMD
  • Protectie la suprasarcina si scurtcircuit
  • Alarma acustica si vizuala
  • Curent de incarcare controlat automat si protectia acumulatorilor la supraincarcare/ descarcare
  • Plaja larga de frecvente de intrare, compatibilitate cu generatoare mici
  • Gestionare inteligenta a acumulatorilor
  • Repornire automata
  • Acumulatorii beneficiaza de 1 an garantie

Tensiune de alimentare: 230Vac ± 25% 50/60 Hz ± 0 5%Hz
Plaja tensiunii de alimentare: 162~290 VAC
Frecventa: 60/50 Hz
Tensiune la iesire (mod acumulator): ± 10%
Forma de unda (mod acumulator): sinus format
Frecventa (mod acumulator): 60 Hz sau 50 Hz± 1 Hz
Timp transfer: 2-7 ms 10 ms max.
Tip acumulator: Plumb acid fara intretinere 2 buc. x 12V/9Ah
Temperatura de functionare: 0 -40 °C (fara condens)
Dimensiuni: 380x 125 x 220 mm
Greutate: cca. 14 kg

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