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SolarEdge Home Set SE8K-RWS + Home Battery 48V 9,2kWh + Battery/Inverter Cable RWS IAC-RBAT
SolarEdge Home Set SE8K-RWS + Home Battery 48V 9,2kWh + Battery/Inverter Cable RWS IAC-RBAT
SolarEdge Home Set SE8K-RWS + Home Battery 48V 9,2kWh + Battery/Inverter Cable RWS IAC-RBAT
SolarEdge Home Set SE8K-RWS + Home Battery 48V 9,2kWh + Battery/Inverter Cable RWS IAC-RBAT

SolarEdge Home Set SE8K-RWS + Home Battery 48V 9,2kWh + Battery/Inverter Cable RWS IAC-RBAT

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Zestaw składa się z:

1 X Solaredge Inwerter hybrydowy SE8K 3-fazowy (RWS48BEN4)

2 X SolarEdge Home Battery 48V 4,6kWh

1 X Solaredge Podstawa do magazynu energii (IAC-RBAT-5KFSTD-01)

1 X Solaredge Pokrywa do magazynu energii (IAC-RBAT-5KMTOP-01)

1 X SolarEdge zest. kabli bateria/falownik RWS (IAC-RBAT-5KCINV-02)

1 X SolarEdge zestaw przewodów połączeniowych modułów bateryjnych (IAC-RBAT-5KCBAT-01)

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