Solar photovoltaic panel HYUNDAI HiE-S485VI, monocrystalline, IP67, 485W

Solar photovoltaic panel HYUNDAI HiE-S485VI, monocrystalline, IP67, 485W

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Solar panels
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Solar panels
Panou solar fotovoltaic HYUNDAI HiE-S485VI, monocristalin, IP67, 485W Hyundai Panou Fotovoltaic PALET - - 31 buc x 485 Wp Mono: HiE-S485VI Panoul solar Hyundai are un design care este rezistent la conditii meteorologice extreme, cum ar fi vantul sau zapada abundenta, cu sticla calita si cadru ranforsat. Tehnologia PERC Shingled ofera o eficienta ultra-inalta cu o performanta mai buna la iradiere scazuta. Tip produs Panou solar Tip panou Fotovoltaic Smart Nu Utilizare Panou Tip celula Monocristalina Numar celule 408 Material Sticla, EVA Alte detalii Rama: Aluminiu Continut pachet Panou fotovoltaic, Documentatie Caracteristici tehnice Randament 20.5% Temperatura maxima ( C) 85 Baterie N A Clasa de protectie IP67 Putere (W) 485 Tensiune (V) 1000 Altele Dimensiuni (L x A x I cm) 205.6x114x35 Greutate (Kg) 25 Garantie Garantie comerciala 24 luni Garantie de conformitate 240 luni

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