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Sale TCL heat pump 8kW monoblock THM-8D/HBp-A

Sale TCL heat pump 8kW monoblock THM-8D/HBp-A

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MONOBLOCK Heat Pump – Air-water type. driver included.The driver is necessary for the operation of this pump.
Pump functions: hot utility water (DHW), central heating (CH), cooling (air conditioning)
By purchasing this product you will receive + outdoor unit + indoor unit controller.
The pump is equipped with a number of modern solutions not available from the competition:
M maximum savings: energy class A+++ (for supply water temperature 35C);praca in extreme conditions: they are prepared for efficient operation even at extreme external temperatures, even up to – 25C;wbudowany module Wi-Fi: the operation of the heat pump can be controlled both from the wired controller and from the mobile application; cascade connection possible: when the demand for heat energy is greater, heat pumps can be combined into cascade systems financing: air-water heat pumps are eligible for subsidies as part of government support programs, including:Moje Ciepło and Clean Air (these are support programs for individuals).
Catalog data - see photos
5 years warranty.The condition for obtaining the 5 years warranty is that the pump has been commissioned by an authorized service or authorized distributor.
For this pump, we recommend a buffer tank with a capacity of 60L or larger 100L, e.g.SONNET

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