Photovoltaic system 6KW three-phase hybrid, Huawei hybrid Ongrid inverter SUN2000-6KTL-M1, JASOLAR panels JAM72S20-460 MR-BF (black frame)460W 13 pc, Smart meter Huawei DTSU666-H , Wifi dongle included
Photovoltaic system 6KW three-phase hybrid, Huawei hybrid Ongrid inverter SUN2000-6KTL-M1, JASOLAR panels JAM72S20-460 MR-BF (black frame)460W 13 pc, Smart meter Huawei DTSU666-H , Wifi dongle included
Photovoltaic system 6KW three-phase hybrid, Huawei hybrid Ongrid inverter SUN2000-6KTL-M1, JASOLAR panels JAM72S20-460 MR-BF (black frame)460W 13 pc, Smart meter Huawei DTSU666-H , Wifi dongle included

Photovoltaic system 6KW three-phase hybrid, Huawei hybrid Ongrid inverter SUN2000-6KTL-M1, JASOLAR panels JAM72S20-460 MR-BF (black frame)460W 13 pc, Smart meter Huawei DTSU666-H , Wifi dongle included

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JASolar photovoltaic system JAM72S20-460 MR-BF (black frame)460W, 6 kW,13 pcs, Huawei three-phase ongird hybrid inverter SUN2000-6KTL-M1, 6 kW, Smart meter Huawei DTSU666-H , WiFi dongle included The three-phase kit of 6 kW consists of: -11 photovoltaic panels JASolar JAM72S20-460 MR-BF (black frame)460W Download the technical sheet - Huawei three-phase hybrid inverter SUN2000-6KTL-M1 Download the technical sheet - Huawei three-phase Smart Meter DTSU666-H Download the technical sheet - WiFi module included You can estimate the monthly energy production by accessing the calculator: https: pvg_tools en tools.html

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