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Photovoltaic module PV panel 425Wp DAS SOLAR DAS-DH108NA 425W N-Type Bifacial Double Glass Module (Black Frame) Black frame
Photovoltaic module PV panel 425Wp DAS SOLAR DAS-DH108NA 425W N-Type Bifacial Double Glass Module (Black Frame) Black frame
Photovoltaic module PV panel 425Wp DAS SOLAR DAS-DH108NA 425W N-Type Bifacial Double Glass Module (Black Frame) Black frame

Photovoltaic module PV panel 425Wp DAS SOLAR DAS-DH108NA 425W N-Type Bifacial Double Glass Module (Black Frame) Black frame

Das Solar
Das Solar
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Das Solar
Manufacturer Code

Moduł fotowoltaiczny panel PV 425Wp DAS SOLAR DAS-DH108NA 425W N-Type Bifacial Double Glass Module (Black Frame) Czarna rama

Product and Quality Certifications:

IEC 61215, IEC 61730
ISO 9001:Quality Management System
ISO 14001:Environment Management System
ISO 45001:Occupational Health and Safety Management System
IEC 62716, IEC 61701:Ammonia, Salt mist corrosion test
IEC TS 62804-1, IEC 60068-2-68:PID test, Dust and Sand test

-1.00% 1st-year Degradation -0.40% Annual Degradation 15 Years materials and workmanship warranty 30 Years linear power warranty

Cell Type N-type

Module Size 1722mmx1134mmx30mm
Glass Thickness 1.6mm
Module Weight 20,5 kg
Output Cable: 4mm², cable length 300mm (can be customized)
Connector MC4 compatible
Junction Box  IP68, 3 bypass diodes
Frame Anodized aluminium alloy(Black)
Frame: IP68, 3 bypass diodes

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