Panel LIST OF LOCATIONS (stainless steel) PLL.42I

Panel LIST OF LOCATIONS (stainless steel) PLL.42I

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Panou LISTA LOCATARI, 4 module de afisare nume iluminate din interior, iluminare de aceeasi culoare ca a panoului exterior tip P4S (verde), carcasa INOX, montare aparenta, 283 x 126 x 43 mm

Model / producator: Electra
Tensiune de alimentare: 14Vc.c. / 13 8 ... 20 Vc.c. nestabilizata filtrata
Curent maxim consumat: max. 50 mA
Numar module de afisare: 4
Temperatura de functionare: - 25 °C ... + 40 °C
Dimensiuni: 126 x 282 5 x 43 mm
Greutate: 0 63 kg

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