Mechanical tool kit, 101 pieces, Hyundai HY-40102

Mechanical tool kit, 101 pieces, Hyundai HY-40102

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Descriere: Trusa de scule mecanic, 101 piese, Hyundai HY-40102101 pieseFabricate din crom-vanadiumClichet cu prindere de 1/2" si 1/4"Scule de mana profesionale cu durata lunga de viataCutie de transport din plasticContinut: Trusa de scule mecanic, 101 piese, Hyundai HY-401021x surubelnita cu clichet pentru capete interschimbabile1x adaptor magnetic de biti de 60 mm6x biti de 25 mm78x biti de 50 mm3x suporti de biti11 capete de chei tubulare1x adaptor de capete de chei tubulare de 50 mm

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