Leader solar cable 6mm Drum 1000m, Black

Leader solar cable 6mm Drum 1000m, Black

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Black solar cable 6 mm, roll 500 m, designed for an easy connection of elements in a solar system, such as solar panels.Suitable for indoor as well as outdoor installations, it can be used with or without protective tubes.Tinned cable, made of electrolytic copper, with fine braided wires, in accordance with Class 5 and EN 60228, used for cable with conductor.Solar cable resistant to ozone and UV, designed for extreme weather conditions, with reticulated material insulation, flame retardant and without halogens.Technical specifications: Conductor: Insulation: approximately 80 wires - nominal thickness: 0.70 mm single wire diameter :0.290mm - nominal diameter: 4.40 mm resistance conductor:3.39Ohm km Sheath: Cable: thickness nominal :0.80mm maximum allowed current ( t 60 degrees Celsius): 70A nominal diameter :6.00 mm working temperature: from -40 garde Celsius to 90 degrees Celsius

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