LC1K0910B7 Schneider Electric - New Factory Sealed

LC1K0910B7 Schneider Electric - New Factory Sealed

Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric
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Schneider Electric
Manufacturer Code
Schneider Electric part number LC1K0910B7. LC1K0910B7 is a compact 3-pole TeSys K contactor from Schneider Electric for motor applications. Rated 9A AC-3 4kW@400V, it includes a 24V 50/60Hz AC coil and 1NO auxiliary contact. LC1K0910B7 is a 3-pole TeSys K contactor from Schneider Electric for simple motor applications rated up to 4kW@400V. Very compact, DIN-rail compatible, with connections by screw clamp terminals, it includes a 24V 50/60Hz AC coil and 1NO built-in auxiliary contact. Available worldwide, it complies with multi-standards (IEC, UL, CSA, CCC, EAC, Marine) and is certified Green Premium (RoHs/Reach). Very compact, 45mm wide, for DIN-rail and panel mounting. Provides a control circuit compatible with 50Hz and 60Hz supplies and 1NO built-in auxiliary contact. Optimized for simple power applications. Can be completed with auxiliary contact blocks (LA1K, LA2K) and thermal relays (LR2K).

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