ISE20C-Y-N02L-W SMC - New Surplus

ISE20C-Y-N02L-W SMC - New Surplus

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Manufacturer Code
SMC part number ISE20C-Y-N02L-W. ISE20C is a digital pressure sensor offering compatibility with both compressed air and non-corrosive liquids. Compared to the ISE20, the ISE20C adds a 2nd switch output, as well as analog voltage or current output. The ISE20CH offers a 2 MPa pressure range. The 3-screen, 3-color display shows the instantaneous reading in red or green, and the setting label and its numerical value in orange. The switch output responds within 1.5ms once the set pressure value is reached. ISE20C(H) is UL/CSA, CE and RoHS compliant, with an IP65 enclosure rating.

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