Heat pump MONOBLOK Kaisai 30 kW KHC-30RX3

Heat pump MONOBLOK Kaisai 30 kW KHC-30RX3

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The Kaisai KHC-30RX3 heat pump is used in homes, offices and commercial buildings. It is one of the more ecological devices that does not use coal, gas or oil, but uses free energy from the air.The device has built-in Wi-Fi, which allows you to remotely control the pump using a phone or tablet and check the current status of the devices.The refrigerant installation is completely built into the unit.No additional cables are required.Thanks to the modern technology used in the Kaisai KHC-30RX3, pump, the device can operate in a very wide range of external temperatures.The Kaisai heat pump does not emit harmful substances into the environment.

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