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GROWATT MID inverter 33KTL3-X (AFCI) (5 years warranty)
GROWATT MID inverter 33KTL3-X (AFCI) (5 years warranty)
GROWATT MID inverter 33KTL3-X (AFCI) (5 years warranty)

GROWATT MID inverter 33KTL3-X (AFCI) (5 years warranty)

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Three-phase inverters from the group of inverters of a new generation. They are equipped with 3 MPPT inputs: 30kW, 33kW and 4 MPPT inputs: 36kW, 40kW. The monitoring of the operation of the photovoltaic installation is carried out using WiFi-X / LAN-X / ShineLink-X / GPRS-X. Inverters have a 5-year standard manufacturer's warranty, which can be extended at an additional cost.


  • 25-40kW Three Phase, 3-4 MPPT

  • Intelligent string monitoring

  • Type II SPD cathodic arrester on DC and AC side

  • Fuseless design and more MPPT

  • AFCI function optional

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