DWP 420 BS4 petrol pressure motor pump with BRIGGS STRATTON engine

DWP 420 BS4 petrol pressure motor pump with BRIGGS STRATTON engine

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  • Tip motor - XR 2100 ( OHV )
  • Putere motor - 14 cp ( 3600 r/m )
  • Presiune maxima - 7.5 bari
  • Debit maxim - 68 m3 / ora
  • Diametru absortie / refulare - 4"/ 3"
  • Greutate neta - 89 kg
  • Adancime aspiratie - 8 m
  • Model - motor Briggs & Stratton , 4 timpi , OHV , cu arbore orizontal
  • Sistem de racire - cu aer
  • Cilindrii - 1 cilindru inclinat la 25 grade
  • Alezaj X cursa - 90 x 66 mm
  • Raport de compresie - 8.0 : 1
  • Puterea maxima neta - 8.9 kw , 12 cp , 3600 r/m
  • Sensul de rotire a arborelui - invers acelor de ceasornic
  • Sistem de aprindere - electronic , fara ruptor
  • Sistem de pornire - manual si electric
  • Tipul filtrului de aer - din burete
  • Sistem ungere - barbotaj
  • Capacitatea baii de ulei - 1.1 l
  • Capacitate rezervor carburant - 6.6 l

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