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ANENJI Off-Grid Hybrid Solar Inverter 10.2kW/48V/160A/MPPT/Sinus

ANENJI Off-Grid Hybrid Solar Inverter 10.2kW/48V/160A/MPPT/Sinus

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Qoltec Off-Grid Hybrid Solar Inverter 10,2kW/48V/160A/MPPT/Sinus
MODEL 10,2kW
An off-grid hybrid inverter converts the energy generated in PV modules into the energy needed to power electrical devices.It functions as a solar charger and battery charger.Equipped with a multi-function LCD display that records operating data, allowing continuous monitoring and management of the entire system.The inverter operates in off-grid mode.It has a built-in MPPT charge regulator with a power of 80A.Possibility to connect an additional Wi-Fi module available in the offer.The inverter does not support BMS.
NOTE: The maximum permissible voltage of panels connected to the inverter must take into account their characteristics, i.e. voltage increase during severe frost.At a temperature of -15 degrees, the voltage from the panels may be higher by 14% compared to the standard conditions given in the specifications (usually 0,4% increases for each degree C lower).
 1. two PV inputs, two output loads, excellent performance meet many requirements. Pure sine wave Max 10200W Wyjście2.Solar charger Max 160A MPPT3.Max PV input 500VDC4. high PV input voltage range (120 ~ 500VDC)
5.Output Power Factor 1.06. True Hybrid Grid Solar Inverter for System 48V7. Wifi Module for Easy połączenia8. Efficiency Working with or Without Battery
9.The bundled monitoring software and ustawiania10. support 50hz or 60hz (regulowany)11. program able to use AC mains or power generatora12. timer setting for AC charging and output now available.
13. built-in anti-twilight kit for difficult warunków14.Optional DC output for DC fan, LED bulb, router and so on dalej15.Double output load (V2.0)16.Two PV inputs.(If you need two sides in parallel, please make sure the same number of solar panels in series on each side).But one MPPT.Both string and must be the same and arranged in the same way.

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