Abroll Container-12M3

Abroll Container-12M3

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Production and sale of containers from 0.3 m3 to 35 m3, including surface treatment according to customer specifications.Large-capacity containers of the Abbrol type All types of containers are manufactured according to the customer's specification in various designs, open, closed, tilting front, tilting sides, etc.Price immediately upon submission of technical specification.Material: Steel / Sheet Material thickness: 5/3 mm (bottom / side) Volume: 14.6 m3 Weight: 1757 kg Load capacity: 10000 kg Width: 2200 mm (inner) Length: 3750 mm (inner) Height: 1450 mm ( internal) - Made of sheet steel, according to DIN 30 722. - Version with fixed sides, bottom connection below 90 ° or 45 °. - The container is equipped with holders for attaching the tarpaulin or net - around the perimeter of the container. - Supplied with double-leaf doors with double locking or with hinged front. - Equipped with rollers for easy handling. - Equipped for rope or hook pulling. - It can be equipped with a ladder on the wall behind the driver. - Surface treatment with paint - 1 x basic, 1 x top paint.

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