
Photovoltaic modules - Renewable energy

CategoryPhotovoltaic modules
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Photovoltaic module Ja Solar JAM54D40-440/LB 440W Silver
Photovoltaic module Ja Solar JAM54D40-440/LB 440W Silver
798 pieces
Target price: €52,205.00
Substitutes: Disallowed
Photovoltaic module Ja Solar JAM72D40-575/MB 575W
172 pieces
Target price: €14,065.00
Substitutes: Disallowed
Photovoltaic module Ja Solar JAM78D40-620/MB 620W
700 pieces
Target price: €61,331.00
Substitutes: Disallowed
Expected delivery date: 6/30/2024
I am sending a request for a quote for the photovoltaic panels indicated above.I will ask for a price offer before placing an order.
Shipping to: Poland 02-782
Create date: 3 weeks ago Expiration date: 7/9/2024
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