
Renewable energy

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Wooden facade, wooden strips, larch, silver fir or spruce
Wooden facade, wooden strips, larch, silver fir or spruce
250 mÂČ
Target price: €10.00
Substitutes: Allowed
Expected delivery date: 7/28/2024
Request for quotation: Wooden strips for facades, Wood type: Nordic spruce, larch, silver fir or similar Quality class A/B Cross section approx. 30/50 mm (24/ 48) or similar standard format; Surface: rough sawn or fine band saw cut, rift or half rift (annual rings as vertical as possible), with pre-greying glaze (dark grey tone) e.g. DuraPatina, Wood Care Natural Patina or co...
Shipping to: Germany
Create date: 1 month ago Expiration date: 6/28/2024
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