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Victron Quattro-II 24/5000/120-50/50

Tillverkarens kod
31 kg
Mått (hxbxd)
607 x 329 x 149 mm
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Tillverkarens kod
31 kg
Mått (hxbxd)
607 x 329 x 149 mm

Similar to the MultiPlus-II, the Quattro-II is also a combined inverter and charger. Additionally it can accept two AC inputs and automatically connect to the active source. Its many features include a true sine wave inverter, adaptive charging, hybrid PowerAssist technology plus multiple system integration features such as three or split phase operation and parallel operation.

Models:24/5000/120-50 and 48/5000/70-50

A Quattro, plus ESS (Energy Storage System) functionality

The Quattro-II can be connected to two independent AC sources, for example the public grid and a generator,

or two generators. The Quattro-II will automatically connect to the active source.

PowerControl and PowerAssist - Boosting the capacity of the grid or a generator

A maximum grid or generator current can be set. The Quattro-II will then take account of other AC loads and use

whatever is extra for battery charging, thus preventing the generator or grid from being overloaded (PowerControl


PowerAssist takes the principle of PowerControl to a further dimension. Where peak power is so often required only for a

limited period, the Quattro-II will compensate insufficient generator, shore or grid power with power from the battery.

When the load reduces, the spare power is used to recharge the battery.

Solar energy: AC power available even during a grid failure

The Quattro-II can be used in off grid as well as grid connected PV and other alternative energy systems. It is compatible

with both solar charger controllers and grid-tie inverters.

Two AC Outputs

The main output has no break functionality. The Quattro-II takes over the supply to the connected loads in the event of a

grid failure or when shore/generator power is disconnected. This happens so fast (less than 20 milliseconds) that

computers and other electronic equipment will continue to operate without disruption.

The second output is live only when AC is available on the input. Loads that should not discharge the battery, like a

water heater for example, can be connected to this output.

Parallel and three phase operation

Up to 6 Quatros can operate in parallel to achieve higher power output. Six 48/5000/70 units, for example, will provide

25 kW / 30 kVA output power with 420 Amps charging capacity.

In addition to parallel connection, three units of the same model can be configured for three phase output, and up to 6

sets of three units can be parallel connected per phase for a 75 kW / 90 kVA inverter and more than 1200 Amps charging


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