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Pylontech energilagring 3.37 kWh Victron 3 kVA 1F

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The Victron and Pylontech energy storage system allows you to maximize the use of energy generated by your photovoltaic installation.

Perfect for:

  • Existing photovoltaic installation, for people who are looking for new opportunities to expand their system with energy storage.

  • People seeking security - ensures an uninterrupted supply of energy thanks to the UPS function.

  • People who value flexible solutions and plan to expand their installations in the future.

  • Drivers of electric or hybrid cars.

  • Companies seeking to reduce peak loads – thanks to the power assist function.

  • People who want to manage the installation from anywhere.

User benefits:

The set ensures efficient use of the energy produced.When energy production from photovoltaics exceeds consumption, the surplus energy will be stored in batteries.If the energy storage is fully charged, the surplus energy produced from photovoltaics will go to the grid.

It is possible to indicate any period of the week when the user can order the batteries to be charged to a specific level (e.g. every Saturday from 22:00 to 80%).This is possible regardless of what mode the energy storage device is in.

Thanks to the UPS function, in the event of a failure of the main power supply from the public power grid, the set maintains the power supply to the receivers.

Possibility to expand the battery bank and installation power at any time.

Set features*:

  • Energy storage.

  • UPS - Island operation mode in the event of a voltage failure in the Power Grid.

  • Power assist - In case of high power consumption, energy is additionally drawn from the battery.

  • Remote monitoring, supervision and system management.

Set features*:

  • %p11 /% Flexibility - High permissible power overload in UPS mode.

  • Technology - Modern lithium battery technology.

  • Availability - Possibility of remote monitoring and control from anywhere in the world.

  • Easy to install – Pre-programmed, ready to connect.


10 years warranty for batteries Pylontech and 5 years warranty on components from Victron Energy.

Set composition Pylontech energy storage 3,37 kWh + Victron 3 kVA, 1F**

  • 1 x Modular switchgear 4 half IP65 DC/AC

  • 2 x RS485 to USB interface 5 m

    % p23/%
  • 1 x VE.Can to CAN-bus BMS type A Cable 1.8 m

  • %p32 /% x Pylontech US Battery Cable Set

  • 1 x Fuse holder for MEGA-fuse

  • %p41 /% 1 x MEGA-fuse 125 A/58 V for 48 V products (1 pcs.)

  • 1 x MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32 230 V GX

  • 2 x Energy Meter ET340 - 3 phase - max 65 A/phase

  • 1 x RACK Cabinet % p20/% 19" 600 mm free-standing S6622

  • 1 x Pylontech battery US3000C

    %p31 /%
  • 1 x Mounting rail for rack cabinets 19" 600 mm (2 pcs.)

  • 1 x Shelf for RACK cabinet 19" PZ800

  • % p11/% x Battery switch ON/OFF 275 A

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