Carportstruktur - Modell 01 (2 platser)
Carportstruktur - Modell 01 (2 platser)
Carportstruktur - Modell 01 (2 platser)
Carportstruktur - Modell 01 (2 platser)
Carportstruktur - Modell 01 (2 platser)
Carportstruktur - Modell 01 (2 platser)

Carportstruktur - Modell 01 (2 platser)

Tillverkarens kod
Vikt Dubbel carport
~670 kg
2 kan valfritt konfigureras
beroende på platsens storlek
1 kan valfritt konfigureras
beroende på panelernas storlek
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Tillverkarens kod
Vikt Dubbel carport
~670 kg
2 kan valfritt konfigureras
beroende på platsens storlek
1 kan valfritt konfigureras
beroende på panelernas storlek
Horisontell pelare (balk)
Galvaniserad plåt 2,5 mm ( dim: 5270 mm )
Vertikal pelare ( Carport Ben )
Galvaniserad plåt 2,5 mm (dim:740 x 1900 x 290 mm)
Carport transport
Carportar levereras med våra lastbilar, med en flotta optimerad för säker transport av tunga eller skrymmande produkter
Storlek Dubbel carport
L 5260 mm x W 6380 x H 2968 mm
Carport Fotmonteringssula
Galvaniserad plåt 10 mm (dim: 230 x740 mm)
Horisontella element ( ruta ) Dubbel carport
Galvaniserad plåt Galvaniserad profil C 140x40x47x14x2,50 mm ( dim: dubbel 6496 mm )
Bilplats storlek Dubbel carport
L 5355 mm x W 6399 x H 2198 mm

The carport has a solid metal structure, specially designed to withstand severe weather conditions and provide long-lasting protection for your vehicle.

With easy installation and low maintenance requirements, this solution proves convenient and effective for both cars and outdoor storage.

The construction of the carport is made of 3 mm double sheet metal, which has been carefully galvanised and painted.

Product advantages include:

Easy to assemble: Because it is independent of the structural specifications of the house, this carport can be easily assembled in any desired area.

Flexibility: It can be moved from one part of the property to another as required.

Versatility: Despite its primary function of vehicle protection, the carport can serve a variety of purposes and has a wide range of uses.

Product dimensions are 526 x 324.9 x 297 cm, making it suitable for a single parking space.

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