Kanadské Fotovoltické Panely od spoločnosti Solar - Spoľahlivá voľba pre solárnu energiu
Canadian Solar - Cesta z Číny ku globálnemu uznanie
Ak ste dostali ponuku na inštaláciu solárnej elektrárne s panelmi Canadian Solar, možno ste si mysleli, že pochádzajú z miesta vzdialeného cez moria. V skutočnosti je spoločnosť Canadian Solar, hoci má korene v Číne, globálne uznávaným výrobcom fotovoltaických modulov vysokej kvality. S rokmi skúseností na trhu, vynikajúcimi finančnými výsledkami a rozsiahlym pôsobením prostredníctvom mnohých pobočiek po celom svete si táto značka získala dôveru a dôveryhodnosť
Canadian Solar - Nie líder, ale pevná kvalita za spravodlivú cenu
Hoci spoločnosť Canadian Solar sa nemusí považovať za lídra v inováciách a ich moduly nemusia patriť do prémiovej kategórie, stále stoja medzi najlepšími možnosťami na trhu pre tých, ktorí hľadajú spoľahlivú kvalitu za rozumnú cenu
Strengths of Canadian Solar
Tier-1 for Many Years + AA Rating from PV Tech: Canadian Solar has long enjoyed the trust of being a Tier-1 photovoltaic manufacturer. Additionally, the AA rating from PV Tech underscores their continuous product improvement efforts.
Up to 15 Years Product Warranty: Canadian Solar offers up to 15 years of warranty for their modules, indicating reliability and confidence in their products.
Competitive Pricing: Known for their competitive pricing, Canadian Solar attracts many customers seeking cost-effective solutions.
Multiple Offices in Europe: With several offices spread across Europe, Canadian Solar ensures efficient customer service throughout the continent.
Excellent PVEL Test Results: In the 2023 PVEL reliability tests, Canadian Solar's modules received the prestigious TOP PERFORMER recognition, further validating their product quality.
Canadian Solar - A Trustworthy Choice
Canadian Solar - Who They Are and Their Achievements
Canadian Solar is a Chinese manufacturer of photovoltaic modules, earning a place on Bloomberg's list of Tier-1 manufacturers for many years. Established in 2001, the company has gained wide recognition, becoming a popular choice for large photovoltaic farms as well as rooftop installations.
Reliability and Warranty
Canadian Solar's modules come with a product warranty of up to 15 years, a good indicator of their reliability. It's essential to note that the popular "25-year performance warranty" applies only to the modules' power output and not their physical condition. The company also offers premium modules with warranties extending up to 25 or even 30 years.
Panel Construction
Canadian Solar offers a diverse range of photovoltaic modules with various designs and configurations. Their flagship module, HiDM, features cut cell technology laid out in a shingled configuration, resulting in improved efficiency. The outstanding results of the HiDM modules in the PVEL tests for 2020 reflect their superior quality.
Performance and Credibility
Canadian Solar panels boast high efficiency, reaching up to 20.5% in their most powerful models. They also exhibit excellent temperature coefficient performance. The company's presence on Tier-1 lists and the Altman Z-Score's grey zone indicate financial stability and add to their credibility. The long-standing presence on the Tier-1 list further confirms their reliability.
Canadian Solar Panels - Individual Series
Canadian Solar offers various series of modules, allowing customization for different needs and applications:
HiDM Series - Shingled Type: This series utilizes cells cut into six smaller pieces and laid out in a shingled configuration, available in a version with a black background. The HiDM modules received all four TOP PERFORMER awards in the 2020 PVEL tests, demonstrating their high quality.
KuDymond Series - Glass-Glass: These modules with glass-glass construction offer greater resistance to micro-cracks and theoretically higher longevity. There is a version with 12 busbars, further improving efficiency and resistance to micro-cracks.
HiKu Series: Standard modules with half-cut cells, suitable for large commercial installations and photovoltaic farms.
KuPower Series: This series focuses on polycrystalline modules with half-cut cells, boasting high efficiency.
Canadian Solar CS3N-xxxMSand Canadian SolarCS3W-xxxMS: The 2023 Top Performers
Top ponuky
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Canadian Solar Hiku6 560W, kúpiť solárne panely v Európe
Fotovoltaický modul Canadian Solar CS6.1-54TB-450 450W Čierna
Modul Canadian Solar fotovoltaického panela 580W TOPHiKu6 580Wp CS6W-580 Strieborný mono rám na polovicu 580 W Wp TOPCon
Canadian Solar je dobre známy a dôveryhodný výrobca fotovoltaických modulov, ktorý ponúka vysokú kvalitu za konkurencieschopné ceny. Hoci nie sú na čele inovácií, zostávajú jednou z najlepších volieb na trhu, najmä pre tých, ktorí hľadajú spoľahlivosť, solídny výkon a priaznivé ceny. Ich rozmanitá škála sérií modulov umožňuje prispôsobenie sa rôznym potrebám, či už ide o malé rezidenčné inštalácie alebo veľké fotovoltaické farmy. Ak hľadáte osvedčeného a dôveryhodného výrobcu solárnych panelov, Canadian Solar je hodným súperom
Tento článok bol napísaný 18. júla 2023
Zdroj: Fotowoltaika Online