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Ukraine Expands Solar Power

Ukraine Expands Solar Power

In the past year, the capacity of photovoltaic power plants in Ukraine increased by over 800 MW, largely due to prosumer photovoltaics.

Greenovative Secures Another Decade-Long Solar Power PPA

Greenovative Secures Another Decade-Long Solar Power PPA

Greenovative, a developer from Nuremberg, has secured a 10-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with an unnamed energy trader for the output of a 20 MW solar park in Donau-Ries.

Heat Pump Sales Plummet by 46% in 2024

Heat Pump Sales Plummet by 46% in 2024

The Federal Heat Pump Association reports a sharp decline in heat pump sales. Conversely, applications for heating subsidies surged towards the end of the year.

How to Reduce Energy Prices in the EU? Ministers Have an Idea: Nuclear

How to Reduce Energy Prices in the EU? Ministers Have an Idea: Nuclear

In Brussels on Tuesday, the first finance and economy ministers meeting of the year began under Polish presidency.

The Race for Greenland: An Opportunity for the EU and US to Reduce Dependence on China

The Race for Greenland: An Opportunity for the EU and US to Reduce Dependence on China

Greenland holds 36.1 million tons of rare earth elements, approximately 30% of the world's reserves. In 2023, the EU imported 18,300 tons, valued at 123.6 million euros, with 39% coming from China, 33% from Malaysia, and 22% from Russia.

Oil Markets React to New White House Tenant

Oil Markets React to New White House Tenant

The price of a barrel of West Texas Intermediate oil for February delivery is $77.24 on NYMEX in New York, down 0.82%.

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