Tepelné čerpadlo MONOBLOCK LG 9 kW HM091MR

Tepelné čerpadlo MONOBLOCK LG 9 kW HM091MR

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Heat Pump Monoblock LG 9kW Therma VHM091MR

THERMA V Monobloc S is the second generation of LG Monoblocs for R32. factorAs the words "silence" and "supreme" suggest, Monobloc S is characterized by low noise levels and the best performance in the Therma V series.Combining the indoor and outdoor units into one device allows connection to the indoor installation only through water pipes, eliminating the need to install refrigerant pipes.

Key features:

  • High heating efficiency at low temperatures
  • Reduced noise level
  • Control via Wi-Fi (SmartThinQTM)
  • Second heating circuit
  • Innovative design and technology

Device driver can store up to 50 units in history for easy identification reason for the fault.

The intuitive user interface allows you to quickly and easily set the device's operating schedule that fits your lifestyle and shows the daily and monthly energy consumption in an accessible way.

Remote control of the heating system with the LG SmartThinQ™️ application provides the highest level of comfort for the user.

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