
Tepelné čerpadlo LG THERMA V HM143MR.U34 - 14kw, 400V, R32, monoblok S

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Kód výrobcu

The LG Therma V air-to-water heat pump enables heating (or cooling) as well as hot water heating and is intended for new and older family homes, but also for commercial buildings.

It is a monobloc heat pump, which means that it has an outdoor unit connected to the heating system of the house directly with heating water. Only a control panel, possibly a bivalent heat source and a hot water tank are installed in the house. Allows control of multiple heating circuits.

Thanks to the newly developed compressor, the LG Therma heat pump has high performance and quiet operation. The efficient ecological refrigerant R32 ensures low operating costs and stable performance even at low outside temperatures.

The LG Therma heat pump has a color touch screen with intuitive control. Thanks to the integrated MODBUS communication, it can be connected to a smart home.

performance 7/35: 14

performance 2/35: 14

performance -7/35: 14

COP 7/35: 4.8

COP 2/35: 3.63

COP -7/35: 2.93

SCOP: 4.45

Bivalent source: ext. 3+3 kW

Maximum outlet temperature of heating water: 65°C

Refrigerant, Quantity: R32 - 2.4 kg

Compressor: LG, R-scroll

Electrical connection: 400 V

External control: AC EZ Touch, AC Smart IV, ACP 4-5, AC Manager 4-5

Gateway: PI 485, BACnet, Lonworks

Circulation pump: Grundfos UPML GEO 20-105 CHBL

Expansion tank: 8 l, 3 bar

Weight (kg): 130

Dimensions (cm): 1239x1450x390

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