

Kód výrobcu
2 rokov
378,00 € +DPH
1 ×
378,00 € +DPH
(1 kus)
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378,00 €
1 kus
20+ kusov
372,00 €
1 kus
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Kód výrobcu
2 rokov

Huawei SmartLogger 3000A01EU allows the management of up to 80 devices. Installing and operating the data logger for solar systems is very simple. Different options for Huawei SmartLogger 3000A01EU integration are possible. The device supports RS485 communication as well as Ethernet and 4G. Interesting for all operators is the integrated web server, which makes the logger an essential part of a smart photovoltaic system.

On-site installation is simple and safe. It can be done either through the Huawei Solar Fusion application (via Wi-Fi) or via a notebook - in any case, the commissioning is completed quickly. Immediately after setup, users have access to many smart control options to increase efficiency and use electricity intelligently. Very practical: The LED display on the case shows the current status. The device is protected against weathering and environmental influences on site according to IP20. It can be operated in the range of -40 ° C to +60 ° C - in other words, in almost any system. The dimensions of 225 x 160 x 44 mm are compact so that space problems do not occur. The whole device weighs 2 kg. Most mounting accessories are included in the delivery package, such as a 4G antenna and power adapter. Typical power consumption is 8 W, 15 W are not exceeded.

  • Dimensions (W x H x D) 225 x 160 x 44 mm

  • Weight 2 kg

  • Degree of protection IP20

  • Installation options Wall mounting, DIN rail mounting, table mounting

  • 100 V AC power supply ~ 240 V, 50 Hz / 60 Hz

  • 12 V / 24 V DC power supply

  • Power consumption Typical 8 W, Max. 15 W

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