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FoxESS Energy Cube CS2900 / batéria 2,88 kWh

Fox Ess
Kód výrobcu
Energy Cube CS2900
Menovité napätie
115 V
34.50 kg
2.88 kWh
Životné cykly batérie
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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
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Alternatívne spôsoby platby:
Fox Ess
Kód výrobcu
Energy Cube CS2900
Menovité napätie
115 V
34.50 kg
2.88 kWh
Životné cykly batérie

FoxESS Energy Cube CS2900 / battery 2,88 kWh


The FoxESS Energy Cube CS2900 is a state-of-the-art 2.88 kWh battery module designed for efficient energy storage and flexible customization. It is a key component of the FoxESS ECS energy storage system, working perfectly with the FoxESS CM2900 management module. Thanks to its scalability, the system can be expanded to as much as 20.16 kWh by adding up to seven modules in series, allowing storage capacity to be adapted to growing energy requirements.


The CS2900 is distinguished by its deep discharge capability of up to 90% capacity, which increases efficiency and extends battery life. The system also features a high battery capacity of more than 95% and more than 6,000 duty cycles, guaranteeing long-lasting and reliable operation. The installation of the modules is designed with simplicity in mind, making installation quick and easy. The FoxESS CS2900 energy storage operates over a wide temperature range, both charging (0-55°C) and discharging (-10-55°C), ensuring its versatility in a variety of environmental conditions.

With an IP65 rating, the module is dust and moisture resistant, making it ideal for both residential and commercial applications.


  • Capacity: 2.88 [kWh]

  • Depth of discharge: up to 90 [%]

  • Scalability: up to 20.16 [kWh] (max. 7 modules in series)

  • Wide temperature tolerance range: - Operating temp.: Charging 0-55 [°C], Discharging -10-55 [°C] -Storage temp: -20-55 [°C]

  • Recommended discharge current: 25 [A]

  • Battery efficiency: >95 [%]

  • Number of cycles: ≥6000

  • Cooling method: convection

  • Protection degree: IP65

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