BMS pre MOD XH BACK UP meniče + kabeláž

BMS pre MOD XH BACK UP meniče + kabeláž

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BMS for MOD XH BACK UP inverters + cabling

A battery management system (BMS) is a key component in energy storage systems that acts as the "brain" of the battery. The BMS monitors and regulates the operation of each individual cell inside the battery, ensuring its safety and optimizing performance. It is responsible for controlling parameters such as voltage, current, temperature, as well as for balancing the voltage between cells, which is necessary to maintain their long life and reliability.

The BMS system is also responsible for communicating with the inverter, providing it with information about the battery status, which allows for more effective energy management in the system. Complete with cabling, the BMS is a complete energy management kit that is essential in modern photovoltaic installations, especially those with a back-up function, ensuring continuity of power even in the event of a grid failure.

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