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Falownik Huawei SUN2000-17KTL-M2.

  • Producent: Huawei
  • Klasa ochrony: IP-65
  • Min. Napięcie prądu stałego do rozpoczęcia zasilania: 200 V
  • Maksymalne napięcie DC: 1080 V
  • Series: SUN2000-12/15/17/20KTL-M2
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2918,00 zł
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The SUN2000 is a three-phase grid-tied PV string inverter that converts the DC power generated by PV strings into AC power and feeds the power into the power grid.

Huawei leverages its advantages in digital and power electronics technologies, and innovates in integrating its established digital technologies with PV, energy storage, cloud, and AI technologies. It offers intelligent FusionSolar PV+storage solutions for five scenarios in power generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption: Smart PV & ESS Generator, Smart String Energy Storage System, C&I Smart PV Solution, Residential Smart PV Solution, and Smart Micro-grid Solution. The solutions reduce the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of PV plants over the lifetime and improve the grid forming performance, making PV a primary energy source. Through continuous innovation, FusionSolar Smart PV will make green power a primary energy source for every home and organization.

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