ZB4BP4837 Schneider Electric – Új többlet

ZB4BP4837 Schneider Electric – Új többlet

Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric
Gyártói kód
EAN kód
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Schneider Electric
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EAN kód
Schneider Electric part number ZB4BP4837. This Harmony XB4, flush red button head with clear membrane silicone boot operates with a spring return / impulse mechanism. This button head with clear membrane silicone boot provides an ergonomic interface for controlling your machine and a simple solution to prevent dirt and other contaminants. It is easily installed and replaced on compatible complete push button units and contact blocks via snap-fit assembly. It is impact resistant, dust resistant, water resistant and vibration resistant thanks to its IP69K. It has a metal bezel, this makes it Ideal for applications requiring high impact and vibration resistance. It is designed to fit in a standard 22mm cutout, ensuring compatibility when installing in pre-existing machinery. Its wide range of operating temperatures from -40°C to 70°C allows versatility in usage of product. The clear boot prevents growth of bacteria in joints and gaps, it makes this product ideal for high hygiene environments.

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