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Webasto PURE EV Charger töltőállomás 22 kW

Webasto PURE EV Charger töltőállomás 22 kW

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The Webasto Pure electric vehicle charging station is a new generation device from a renowned German manufacturer.It was designed specifically for electric and hybrid cars, providing them with fast and efficient charging.

The Webasto Pure charging station is equipped with the highest quality components, which translates into its durability and reliability.

The main features of the Webasto Pure car charging station are:

  1. Warranty for 5 years, with the possibility of a free extension by %p7/ % summer, giving customers confidence and protection.

  2. Save on installation costs thanks to the built-in DC residual current device that eliminates the need for additional installations.

  3. Ability to be remotely accessed by your electricity supplier to monitor and control your charging from anywhere.

  4. Adjustable output power, depending on the version, which allows you to adapt charging to individual needs.

  5. Fixed charging cable in various lengths with 2 charging connector and integrated cable holder for convenient and flexible charging.

  6. Faster and more reliable charging compared to standard household charging, speeding up the vehicle charging process.

  7. The status of the station is indicated by the LED diode, enabling easy monitoring of the charging progress.

  8. Keyed switch access control for security and protection against unauthorized use.

  9. Simple and convenient operation, providing users with ease of use of the charging station.

  10. Affordable price and service support, which makes the Webasto Pure charging station an attractive solution for both individual customers and enterprises.

  11. High quality "Made in Germany", guaranteeing reliability, durability and solid workmanship.

Choose a Webasto Pure car charging station and enjoy efficient and reliable charging of your electric vehicle.Discover German quality and trust the experience of one of the leading manufacturers on the market.

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