merXu Protected Payments
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Webasto LIVE EV Charger töltőállomás 11 kW

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+26 több
Szállítási idő:
4 nap
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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
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The Webasto Live electric car charging station is a German production of the highest quality, characterized by simple and convenient operation.This is a device that allows you to easily and quickly charge an electric car.The Webasto Live station is a future-proof solution, ideal for both home and commercial use.

Main features of the Webasto Live car charging station:

  1. Adjustable output power, allowing you to adapt charging to individual needs.

  2. Selection of charging cable of various lengths with a 2, connector which ensures convenience during charging.

  3. A meter compliant with the MID standard, enabling the recording of charging charges.

  4. Future-proof solution that can be software updated to provide the latest features and technologies.

  5. Authentication at the charging station using RFID technology, ensuring security and access control.

  6. Integrated 4G, modem that provides the best range and Internet connection.

  7. Compatibility with various back-end systems available on the market, enabling digital management of the charging station.

  8. Friendly setup via Wi-Fi hotspot, allowing you to easily set up and access station settings.

  9. Efficient use of available charging power thanks to dynamic load management, which helps optimize the charging process.

  10. Compatibility with external meters via the Modbus protocol, enabling energy consumption monitoring.

  11. Ready to connect and charge in accordance with the ISO 15118, standard, which ensures full compliance and interoperability.

  12. High quality production in Germany, guaranteeing the reliability and durability of the charging station.

Choose the Webasto Live car charging station and enjoy a reliable and efficient charging process for your electric vehicle.Discover the future of electromobility and use advanced technologies now!

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