merXu Protected Payments
Biztosítsa a fizetését a szállításig.
Tetőhorog standard, állítható

Tetőhorog standard, állítható

HQ Mount
Felső szög
30×5 mm
Középső rész
30×5 mm
A híd hossza belül (középső rész)
112 mm
55x140x5 mm
Lyuk méret
⌀ 9 mm
Mutass többet
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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
Biztosítsa a fizetését a szállításig. Ingyenesen.
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Alternatív fizetési módok:
Hitel/betéti kártya
Banki átutalás
HQ Mount
Felső szög
30×5 mm
Középső rész
30×5 mm
A híd hossza belül (középső rész)
112 mm
55x140x5 mm
Lyuk méret
⌀ 9 mm
A konzol magassága állítható
40-50 mm
Teljes magassága állítható
115-153 mm
Teljes hossz

The standard roof hook, adjustable in 3 positions, is made of 1.4016 stainless steel and is 5 mm thick. The roof hook can be used flexibly thanks to the 3-way adjustment option. The hook can be attached to the base plate at three different points. The bracket height and the height of the upper bracket can be individually adjusted as required.

The roof hook is attached to the rafter with at least 2 flat head screws A2 M8 (depending on the load). The length of the flat head screws should be chosen to match the thickness of the rafter, among other things. Standard sizes are M8x80mm, M8x100mm, M8x120mm. For above-rafter insulation, lengths > 200 mm can be used. Maintain a distance of 1 cm from the edge of the rafter when fastening the flat head screws. Fasten the flat head screws with the largest possible distance from each other and use both rows of holes if possible. The mounting rail is fastened above the roof hook with an M10 screw (e.g. hammerhead screw) and an M10 self-locking nut. All of our mounting rail variants can be mounted with this roof hook. You can find suitable accessories for installation in our shop.

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